Netflix uses Apache Mesos to run a mix of batch, stream processing, and service style workloads. For over two years, we have seen an increased usage for a variety of use cases including real time anomaly detection, training and model building batch jobs, machine learning orchestration,...
الجمعة، 29 يوليو 2016
الأربعاء، 20 يوليو 2016
Netflix Billing Migration to AWS - Part II
This is a continuation in the series on Netflix Billing migration to the Cloud. An overview of the migration project was published earlier here. This post details the technical journey for the Billing applications and datastores as they were moved from the Data Center to AWS...
الاثنين، 18 يوليو 2016
Chelsea: Encoding in the Fast Lane
Back in May Netflix launched its first global talk show: Chelsea. Delivering this new format was a first for us, and a fun challenge in many different aspects, which this blog describes in more detail. Chelsea Handler's new Netflix talk show ushered in a Day-of-Broadcast (DOB) style of delivery that is demanding on multiple levels for our teams, with...