الاثنين، 31 أغسطس 2015

Announcing Sleepy Puppy - Cross-Site Scripting Payload Management for Web Application Security Testing

by: Scott Behrens and Patrick KelleyNetflix is pleased to announce the open source release of our cross-site scripting (XSS) payload management framework: Sleepy Puppy!The Challenge of Cross-Site ScriptingCross-site scripting is a type of web application security vulnerability...

الثلاثاء، 25 أغسطس 2015

From Chaos to Control - Testing the resiliency of Netflix’s Content Discovery Platform

By:Leena Janardanan, Bruce Wobbe, Vilas VeeraraghavanIntroductionMerchandising Application Platform (MAP) was conceived as a middle-tier service that would handle real time requests for content discovery. MAP does this by aggregating data from disparate data sources and implementing...

الخميس، 20 أغسطس 2015

Fenzo: OSS Scheduler for Apache Mesos Frameworks

Bringing Netflix to our millions of subscribers is no easy task. The product comprises dozens of services in our distributed environment, each of which is operating a critical component to the experience while constantly evolving with new functionality. Optimizing the launch...

الاثنين، 17 أغسطس 2015

Netflix Releases Falcor Developer Preview

by Jafar Husain, Paul Taylor and Michael PaulsonDevelopers strive to create the illusion that all of their application’s data is sitting right there on the user’s device just waiting to be displayed. To make that experience a reality, data must be efficiently retrieved from the network and intelligently cached on the client.That’s why Netflix...

الأربعاء، 5 أغسطس 2015

Making Netflix.com Faster

by Kristofer BaxterSimply put, performance matters. We know members want to immediately start browsing or watching their favorite content and have found that faster startup leads to more satisfying usage. So, when building the long-awaited update to netflix.com, the Website...