We are making big changes in the way we build the Netflix experience with Facebook’s React library. Today, we will share our thoughts on what makes React so compelling and how it is evolving our approach to UI development.At the beginning of last year, Netflix UI engineers embarked on several ambitious projects to dramatically transform the user experience...
الأربعاء، 28 يناير 2015
الثلاثاء، 27 يناير 2015
Netflix's Viewing Data: How We Know Where You Are in House of Cards
Unknown9:34 صCassandra, cloud architecture, high volume distributed systems, memcached, Netflix, NoSQL, Redis, scalability
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Over the past 7 years, Netflix streaming has expanded from thousands of members watching occasionally to millions of members watching over two billion hours every month. Each time a member starts to watch a movie or TV episode, a “view” is created in our data systems and...
الثلاثاء، 20 يناير 2015
Introducing Surus and ScorePMML
Unknown4:04 مbig data, data pipeline, data science, Netflix OSS, NetflixOSS, Pig, predictive modeling
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Today we’re announcing a new Netflix-OSS project called Surus. Over the next year we plan to release a handful of our internal user defined functions (UDF’s) that have broad adoption across Netflix. The use cases for these functions are varied in nature (e.g. scoring predictive models, outlier detection, pattern matching, etc.) and together extend...