الأربعاء، 19 نوفمبر 2014

Node.js in Flames

/* Pretty printing styles. Used with prettify.js. */ /* Vim sunburst theme by David Leibovic */ pre .str, code .str { color: #65B042; } /* string - green */ pre .kwd, code .kwd { color: #E28964; } /* keyword - dark pink */ pre .com, code .com { color: #AEAEAE; font-style:...

الأربعاء، 12 نوفمبر 2014

ZeroToDocker: An easy way to evaluate NetflixOSS through runtime packaging

Motivation:The NetflixOSS platform and related ecosystem services are extensive.  While we make every attempt to document each project, being able to quickly evaluate NetflixOSS is a large challenge due to the breadth for most users.  This becomes a very large challenge...

الثلاثاء، 11 نوفمبر 2014

Genie 2.0: Second Wish Granted!

By Tom Gianos and Amit Sharma @ Big Data Platform TeamA little over a year ago we announced Genie, a distributed job and resource management tool. Since then, Genie has operated in production at Netflix, servicing tens of thousands of ETL and analytics jobs daily. There were...