الجمعة، 25 يوليو 2014

Revisiting 1 Million Writes per second

by: Christos KalantzisIn an article we posted in November 2011, Benchmarking Cassandra Scalability on AWS - Over a million writes per second, we showed how Cassandra (C*) scales linearly as you add more nodes to a cluster. With the advent of new EC2 instance types, we decided...

الأربعاء، 9 يوليو 2014

Billing & Payments Engineering Meetup

On June 18th, we hosted our first Billing & Payments Engineering Meetup at Netflix.We wanted to create a space for exchanging information and learning among professionals. That space would serve as a forum, or an agora, for a community of people...

الأحد، 6 يوليو 2014

Scale and Performance of a Large JavaScript Application

By Matt MarenghiWe recently held our second JavaScript Talks event at our Netflix headquarters in Los Gatos, Calif. Matt Seeley discussed the development approaches we use at Netflix to build the JavaScript applications which run on TV-connected devices, phones and tablets. These large, rich applications run across a wide range of devices and require...