الأربعاء، 26 يونيو 2013

HTML5 Video in IE 11 on Windows 8.1

By Anthony Park and Mark Watson.We've previously discussed our plans to use HTML5 video with the proposed "Premium Video Extensions" in any browser which implements them.  These extensions are the future of premium video on the web, since they allow playback of premium video directly in the browser without the need to install plugins. Today, we're...

Introducing Lipstick on A(pache) Pig

by Jeff Magnusson, Charles Smith, John Lee, and Nathan BatesWe’re pleased to announce Lipstick (our Pig workflow visualization tool) as the latest addition to the suite of Netflix Open Source Software.At Netflix, Apache Pig is used heavily amongst developers when productionizing...

الجمعة، 21 يونيو 2013

Genie is out of the bottle!

by Sriram KrishnanIn a prior tech blog, we had discussed the architecture of our petabyte-scale data warehouse in the cloud. Salient features of our architecture include the use of Amazon’s Simple Storage Service (S3) as our "source of truth", leveraging the elasticity...

الثلاثاء، 18 يونيو 2013

Announcing Ice: Cloud Spend and Usage Analytics

By Ariel Tseitlin, Fang Ji, Coburn WatsonOne of the advantages of moving to the cloud was increased engineering velocity.  Every engineer who needed cloud resources was able to procure them at the click of a button.  This led to an increase in resource usage and allowed us to move more quickly as an organization.  At the same time, seeing...

الجمعة، 14 يونيو 2013

Isthmus - Resiliency against ELB outages

On Christmas Eve, 2012, Netflix streaming service experienced an outage.   For full details, see “A Closer Look at the Christmas Eve Outage” by Adrian Cockcroft.  This outage was particularly painful, both because of the timing, as well as the root cause - ELB...

الأربعاء، 12 يونيو 2013

Women in Cloud Meetup at Netflix

By Shobana RadhakrishnanWe recently held a Meetup on our campus for Bay Area women in the Cloud Space, in collaboration with Cloud-NOW. Women from across a number of companies and backgrounds related to Cloud attended the event and participated in talks and panel discussions...

Announcing Zuul: Edge Service in the Cloud

The Netflix streaming application is a complex array of intertwined systems that work together to seamlessly provide our customers a great experience. The Netflix API is the front door to that system, supporting over 1,000 different device types and handing over 50,000 requests...