الأربعاء، 29 مايو 2013

Conformity Monkey - Keeping your cloud instances following best practices

By Michael Fu and Cory Bennett, Engineering Tools Cloud computing makes it much easier to launch new applications or start new instances. At Netflix, engineers can easily launch a new application in Asgard with a few clicks. With this freedom there are sometimes consequences...

الأربعاء، 22 مايو 2013

Garbage Collection Visualization

What is garbage collection visualization?By Brian MooreIn short, “garbage collection visualization” (hereafter shortened to “gcviz”) is the process of turning gc.log[1] into x/y time-series scatter plots (pictures). That is, turning garbage collector (GC) logging output into...

الخميس، 16 مايو 2013

Announcing Pytheas

Today, we are excited to bring you Pytheas : web resource and rich UI framework. This piece of software is heavily used at Netflix in building quick prototypes and web applications that explore/visualize large data sets.Pytheas integrates Guice and Jersey frameworks to...