الجمعة، 29 مارس 2013

NetflixOSS Meetup Series 1 Episode 2 - Announcing the Cloud Prize

by Adrian CockcroftOn March 13th we held our second NetflixOSS meetup. It was well attended and used the same format of some presentations followed by demonstrations of the latest projects. Videos and slides are embedded below.We started off with lightning talks by the engineers...

الأربعاء، 27 مارس 2013

System Architectures for Personalization and Recommendation

by Xavier Amatriain and Justin BasilicoIn our previous posts about Netflix personalization, we highlighted the importance of using both data and algorithms to create the best possible experience for Netflix members. We also talked about the importance of enriching...

الجمعة، 22 مارس 2013

AMI Creation with Aminator

by Michael Tripoli & Karate VickAminator is a tool for creating custom Amazon Machine Images (AMIs). It is the latest implementation of a series of AMI creation tools that we have developed over the past three years. A little retrospective on AMI creation at Netflix will...

الثلاثاء، 12 مارس 2013

Public Continuous Integration Builds for our OSS Projects

by Gareth BowlesAs Netflix continues to open source our platform (26 projects at the last count), our GitHub repos are seeing more and more changes, both commits from the project owners and pull requests from external contributors.To provide more visibility into the quality...

الاثنين، 11 مارس 2013

Introducing the first NetflixOSS Recipe: RSS Reader

by Prasanna Padmanabhan, Shashi Madappa, Kedar Sadekar and Chris Fregly Over the past year, Netflix has open sourced many of its components such as Hystrix, Eureka, Servo, Astyanax, Ribbon, etc. While we continue to open source more of our components, it would be useful...

Python at Netflix

By Roy Rapoport, Brian Moyles, Jim Cistaro, and Corey BertramWe’ve blogged a lot about how we use Java here at Netflix, but Python’s footprint in our environment continues to increase.  In honor of our sponsorship of PyCon, we wanted to highlight our many uses of Python at Netflix.Developers at Netflix have the freedom to choose the technologies...