الاثنين، 28 يناير 2013

Announcing Ribbon: Tying the Netflix Mid-Tier Services Together

by Allen Wang and Sudhir TonseNetflix embraces a fine-grained Service Oriented Architecture as the underpinning of its Cloud based deployment model. Currently, we run hundreds of such fine grained services that are collectively responsible in handling the customer facing requests...

الجمعة، 18 يناير 2013

NetflixGraph Metadata Library: An Optimization Case Study

by Drew KoszewnikHere at Netflix, we serve more than 30 million subscribers across over 40 countries. These users collectively generate billions of requests per day, most of which require metadata about our videos. Each call we receive can potentially cull through thousands...

الأربعاء، 16 يناير 2013

Reactive Programming at Netflix

Hi, my name is Jafar Husain. I'm a Senior Developer on the TV User Interface team. Over the last year, Netflix has reinvented our client-server interaction model. One of the key building blocks of our platform is Microsoft's open-source Reactive Extensions library (Rx). Netflix is a big believer in the Rx model, because Rx has made it much easier...

الثلاثاء، 15 يناير 2013

Optimizing the Netflix API

by Ben Christensen About a year ago the Netflix API team began redesigning the API to improve performance and enable UI engineering teams within Netflix to optimize client applications for specific devices. Philosophies of the redesign were introduced in a previous post about...

الاثنين، 14 يناير 2013

NetflixOSS Open House

By Adrian Cockcroft, Ruslan Meshenberg.As many of you know, we have open sourced many components of the Netflix infrastructure over the last year - ranging from our deployment console Asgard and Simian Army Monkeys, to the Cassandra and Zookeeper clients that we use internally....

الخميس، 10 يناير 2013

Hadoop Platform as a Service in the Cloud

by Sriram Krishnan and Eva Tse, Cloud Big Data PlatformHadoop has become the de facto standard for managing and processing hundreds of terabytes to petabytes of data. At Netflix, our Hadoop-based data warehouse is petabyte-scale, and growing rapidly. However, with the big data...

الجمعة، 4 يناير 2013

Janitor Monkey - Keeping the Cloud Tidy and Clean

By Michael Fu and Cory Bennett, Engineering Tools One of the great advantages of moving from a private datacenter into the cloud is that you have quick and easy access to nearly limitless new resources. Innovation and experimentation friction is greatly reduced: to push out a new application release you can quickly build up a new cluster, to get more...