الثلاثاء، 31 يناير 2012

Announcing Astyanax

By Eran Landau Over the past year we have been investing heavily in Cassandra as our primary persistent storage solution. We currently run 55 separate clusters, ranging from 6 to 48 nodes. We've been active contributors to Cassandra and have developed additional tools and our own client library. Today we are open sourcing that client, Astyanax,...

الجمعة، 27 يناير 2012

Ephemeral Volatile Caching in the cloud

by Shashi MadappaIn most applications there is some amount of data that will be frequently used. Some of this data is transient and can be recalculated, while other data will need to be fetched from the database or a middle tier service. In the Netflix cloud architecture we...

الأربعاء، 18 يناير 2012

WebKit in Your Living Room

Hi, it's Matt Seeley, engineer on the device UI team at Netflix.  My team uses WebKit, JavaScript, HTML5 and CSS3 to build user interfaces for the PlayStation 3, Wii, Blu-ray players, Internet-connected TVs, phones and tablets.Recently I spoke at the HTML5 Dev Conf about WebKit-based UI development on consumer electronics.  I discussed:Responding...

Auto Scaling in the Amazon Cloud

Since we began migrating our production infrastructure to the cloud in 2010, we have used Amazon's auto scaling groups to manage all of the server pools that we run. We believe auto scaling greatly improves the availability of our services and provides an excellent means of...