Hello all, it's Ken Florance, Director of Content Delivery for Netflix. As you can see, we've updated our "Netflix Performance on Top Networks" chart showing performance on Top ISPs over the last several months.
We first published similar data in January and we were pleased with the feedback we received. Some of you said the chart was difficult to read so we’ve produced a chart that makes the distinctions between the data series more apparent.
As you can see, the familiar pattern persists, dividing cable networks on the high end from DSL networks in the lower bitrates. We're still showing the AT&T and Verizon networks’ performance as an average across their DSL and FTTx (Fiber) offerings. That's due to a limitation in how we collect data, which we will resolve soon, so you can expect the DSL and Fiber offerings of these ISPs to be represented separately in future updates.
Also of note, we've rolled Qwest under CenturyLink following the merger of those companies.
We're only publishing U.S. data this time. This data has become less significant for Canada in the wake of Netflix reducing default bitrates in Canada to help our Canadian members who are subject to low bandwidth caps.
Going forward, we will update this data once a quarter, so expect the next chart sometime in August.
As always, we appreciate your feedback.
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